- Game World
The game world in Dual Universe consists of many procedurally generated planets, moons and asteroids, all of which are composed of voxels and have their own set of resources which can be mined by players. These all are contained within a single vast star system - The Helios System. There are additional systems intended to be added in the future, but as of this writing it is only the Helios System.
The distance between a planet and it's moon(s) is relatively small and can be travelled in minutes. The distance between two planets may be much, much larger, taking between one and five hours at maximum speed. A warp-drive is often used to quickly and safely move from one planet to another, this however needs warp-cells. With heavy cargo, the amount of cells needed is so high, that players often decide to move without the warp-drive, this is often referred to as "slow boating".
In between these worlds is open space and asteroids. While direct connections between planets are not an actual path, they are the path in space that is most travelled. Players refer to these shortest connections as "the pipe".
Dual Universe is a sandbox MMO where every player you meet is a real person, there are no NPC's. Aphelia is the governing AI, although some players distrust Aphelia she does provide Missions, Challenges and Tutorials that assist players and provide quanta. The overwhelming majority of content within Dual Universe is created by the players.
How big is the game world? From the centre to the theoretical edge of the Helios system is ~9x10^302 SU and at max speed would take ~4x10^296 years to reach the edge.
The name of the game is referring to the well known concept of duality in mathematics: two entities are "dual" when they have a different form, but share the same functional structure. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duality_(mathematics)