Dual Universe Wiki

Parts are objects that are required to make elements and items. All parts are made from materials and can be made into elements using the character crafting system, or an Industry Unit. Parts are not useful or functional on their own, but they are necessary ingredients for other items and elements. For example, a Basic Control System is useless by itself, but it can be crafted into a Programming Board element. Therefore, the production of parts is a critical step in manufacturing. Parts take up volume while they are being stored in containers but they can not be placed on a construct.

There are five types of parts in Dual Universe, each providing a specific function.

Intermediary Parts[]

The intermediary part is the basic building block of Functional, Complex and Exceptional parts, and also an ingredient of some Elements themselves. All intermediary parts have three tiers; Basic, Uncommon and Advanced where the appropriate tier of industry is needed to produce them.

Structural Parts[]

All elements have a structural part, which can be either a casing or a frame. From the smallest structural part; the Basic Casing XS, weighing in at 1.40kg, to the Advanced Reinforced Frame XL at a huge 24.06t, all elements need a frame or casing. Casings are produced in the 3d Printer while frames are extruded in the Metalwork Industry Unit. These are produced to the required size and tier ready for the assembly line to construct the element.

Functional Parts[]

The functional part determines the elements use. For example an ore scanner is the functional part for a Territory Scanner, Antennas are the functional part for Space Radars.

Complex Parts[]

Complex parts contain one or more Intermediary Part and one or more Alloy, Polymer or Glass product. Not all elements require a complex part.

Exceptional Parts[]

Exceptional parts provide specific functions to elements that require Quantum or Antimatter capabilities. For example Warp Beacons require an Exotic Quantum Alignment Unit, Force Fields require Quantum Barriers.

Parts Lists[]

Intermediary Parts List[]

Intermediary Parts
Icon Type Batch Size Basic Uncommon Advanced Industry Unit
Component Components 10 10L Al-Fe Alloy 5L Al-Fe Alloy
5L Calcium Reinforced Copper
3L Al-Fe Alloy
3L Calcium Reinforced Copper
4L Cu-Ag Alloy
Electronics Industry
Connector Connectors 10 10L Al-Fe Alloy 5L Al-Fe Alloy
5L Calcium Reinforced Copper
3L Al-Fe Alloy
3L Calcium Reinforced Copper
4L Cu-Ag Alloy
Electronics Industry
Fixation Fixations 10 10L Polycarbonate Plastic 5L Polycarbonate Plastic
5L Polycalcite Plastic
3L Polycarbonate Plastic
3L Polycalcite Plastic
6L Polysulfide Plastic
3D Printer
Led LED's 10 10L Glass 5L Glass
5L Advanced Glass
3L Glass
3L Glass
4L Ag-Li Reinforced Glass
Glass Furnace
Pipe Pipes 10 10L Silumin 5L Silumin
5L Duralumin
3L Silumin
3L Duralumin
4L Al-Li Alloy
Metalwork Industry
Screw Screws 10 10L Steel 5L Steel
5L Stainless Steel
3L Steel
3L Stainless Steel
4L Inconel
Metalwork Industry

Structural Parts List[]

Structural Parts and the ingredients to produce 1 item at the required tier
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Casing Casings XS 11L Polycarbonate Plastic 1L Polycarbonate Plastic
1L Polycalcite Plastic
1L Polycarbonate Plastic
1L Polysulfide Plastic
1L Polycarbonate Plastic
1L Flouropolymer Plastic
X 3D Printer
Casing S 11L Polycarbonate Plastic 4L Polycarbonate Plastic
7L Polycalcite Plastic
4L Polycarbonate Plastic
7L Polysulfide Plastic
X 4L Polycarbonate Plastic
7L Vanamer
Casing M X 25L Polycarbonate Plastic
49L Polycalcite Plastic
25L Polycarbonate Plastic
49L Polysulfide Plastic
Casing L X X 172L Polycarbonate Plastic
343L Polysulfide Plastic
Casing XL X 1201L Polycarbonate Plastic
2401L Polycalcite Plastic
1201L Polycarbonate Plastic
2401L Polysulfide Plastic
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Standard-frame Standard Frame XS 2L Silumin 1L Silumin
1L Duralumin
1L Silumin
1L Al-Li Alloy
X 1L Silumin
1L Grade 5 Titanium Alloy
Metalwork Industry
Standard Frame S 11L Silumin 4L Silumin
7L Duralumin
4L Silumin
7L Al-Li Alloy
4L Silumin
7L Sc-Al Alloy
4L Silumin
7L Grade 5 Titanium Alloy
Standard Frame M 74L Silumin 25L Silumin
49L Duralumin
25L Silumin
49L Al-Li Alloy
25L Silumin
49L Sc-Al Alloy
25L Silumin
49L Grade 5 Titanium Alloy
Standard Frame L 515L Silumin 172L Silumin
343L Duralumin
172L Silumin
343L Al-Li Alloy
172L Silumin
343L Sc-Al Alloy
172L Silumin
343L Grade 5 Titanium Alloy
Standard Frame XL X X 1201L Silumin
24011L Al-Li Alloy
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Reinforced-frame Reinforced Frame XS 2L Steel 1L Steel
1L Stainless Steel
1L Steel
1L Inconel
1L Steel
1L Maraging Steel
1L Steel
1L Mangalloy
Metalwork Industry
Reinforced Frame S 11L Steel 4L Steel

7L Stainless Steel

4L Steel

9L Inconel

4L Steel

9L Maraging Steel

4L Steel

9L Mangalloy

Reinforced Frame M 74L Steel 25L Steel

49L Stainless Steel

25L Steel

49L Inconel

25L Steel

49L Maraging Steel

25L Steel

49L Mangalloy

Reinforced Frame L 515L Steel 172L Steel

343L Stainless Steel

172L Steel

343L Inconel

172L Steel

343L Maraging Steel

172L Steel

343L Mangalloy

Reinforced Frame XL 3602L Steel 1201L Steel

2401L Stainless Steel

1201L Steel

2401L Inconel

1201L Steel

2401L Maraging Steel

1201L Steel

2401L Mangalloy

Functional Parts List[]

Functional Parts
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Antenna Antenna XS 1 Basic Screw
1L Al-Fe Alloy
1 Basic Screw
1 Uncommon Screw
1L Calcium Reinforced Copper
1 Basic Power System
1 Uncommon Power System
X X X Electronics Industry
Antenna S 5 Basic Screw
7L Al-Fe Alloy
2 Basic Screw
4 Uncommon Screw
7L Calcium Reinforced Copper
2 Basic Power System
4 Uncommon Power System
2 Basic Screw
2 Uncommon Screw
2 Advanced Screw
7L Cu-Ag Alloy
2 Basic Power System
2 Uncommon Power System
2 Advanced Power System
2 Uncommon Screw
4 Advanced Screw
7L Red Gold Alloy
2 Uncommon Power System
2 Advanced Power System
2 Rare Power System
5 Advanced Screw
7L Ti-Nb Supraconductor
2 Advanced Power System
2 Rare Power System
2 Exotic Power System
Antenna M X 8 Basic Screw
18 Uncommon Screw
49L Calcium Reinforced Copper
8 Basic Power System
18 Uncommon Power System
8 Basic Screw
8 Uncommon Screw
10 Advanced Screw
49L Cu-Ag Alloy
8 Basic Power System
8 Uncommon Power System
10 Advanced Power System
8 Uncommon Screw
18 Advanced Screw
49L Red Gold Alloy
8 Uncommon Power System
8 Advanced Power System
10 Rare Power System
25 Advanced Screw
49L Ti-Nb Supraconductor
8 Advanced Power System
8 Rare Power System
10 Exotic Power System
Antenna L X 38 Basic Screw
88 Uncommon Screw
343L Calcium Reinforced Copper
38 Basic Power System
88 Uncommon Power System
38 Basic Screw
38 Uncommon Screw
50 Advanced Screw
343L Cu-Ag Alloy
38 Basic Power System
38 Uncommon Power System
50 Advanced Power System
38 Uncommon Screw
18 Advanced Screw
343L Red Gold Alloy
38 Uncommon Power System
38 Advanced Power System
50 Rare Power System
125 Advanced Screw
343L Ti-Nb Supraconductor
38 Advanced Power System
38 Rare Power System
50 Exotic Power System
Antenna XL X X X X 625 Advanced Screw
2401L Ti-Nb Supraconductor
188 Advanced Power System
188 Rare Power System
250 Exotic Power System
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Chemical-contianer Chemical Containers XS 1 Basic Screw

1L Silumin

X X X X Metalwork Industry
Chemical Containers S 5 Basic Screw

7L Silumin

X 2 Basic Screw
2 Uncommon Screw
2 Advanced Screw
2 Basic Electronics
2 Uncommon Electronics
2 Advanced Electronics
49L Al-Li Alloy
Chemical Containers M 25 Basic Screw
49L Silumin
8 Basic Screw
18 Uncommon Screw
8 Basic Electronics
18 Uncommon Electronics
49L Duralumin
8 Basic Screw
8 Uncommon Screw
10 Advanced Screw
8 Basic Electronics
8 Uncommon Electronics
10 Advanced Electronics
49L Al-Li Alloy
8 Uncommon Screw
18 Advanced Screw
8 Uncommon Electronics
18 Advanced Electronics
10 Rare Electronics
49L Sc-Al Alloy
Chemical Containers L 125 Basic Screw
343L Silumin
X 38 Basic Screw
38 Uncommon Screw
50 Advanced Screw
38 Basic Electronics
38 Uncommon Electronics
50 Advanced Electronics
343L Al-Li Alloy
Chemical Containers XL 625 Basic Screw
2401L Silumin
X 188 Basic Screw
188 Uncommon Screw
250 Advanced Screw
188 Basic Electronics
188 Uncommon Electronics
250 Advanced Electronics
2401L Al-Li Alloy
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Combustion-chamber Combustion Chambers XS 1 Pipe
1L Steel
1 Basic Pipe
1 Uncommon Pipe
1 Basic Burner
1 Uncommon Burner
1L Stainless Steel
1 Basic Pipe
1 Uncommon Pipe
1 Advanced Pipe
1 Basic Burner
1 Uncommon Burner
1 Advanced Burner
1L Inconel
1 Uncommon Pipe
1 Advanced Pipe
1 Uncommon Burner
1 Advanced Burner
1 Rare Burner
1L Maraging Steel
X Metalwork Industry
Combustion Chambers S 5 Pipe
7L Steel
2 Basic Pipe
4 Uncommon Pipe
2 Basic Burner
4 Uncommon Burner
7L Stainless Steel
2 Basic Pipe
2 Uncommon Pipe
2 Advanced Pipe
2 Basic Burner
2 Uncommon Burner
2 Advanced Burner
7L Inconel
2 Uncommon Pipe
4 Advanced Pipe
2 Uncommon Burner
2 Advanced Burner
2 Rare Burner
7L Maraging Steel
Combustion Chambers M 25 Pipe
49L Steel
8 Basic Pipe
18 Uncommon Pipe
8 Basic Burner
18 Uncommon Burner
49L Stainless Steel
8 Basic Pipe
8 Uncommon Pipe
10 Advanced Pipe
8 Basic Burner
8 Uncommon Burner
10 Advanced Burner
49L Inconel
8 Uncommon Pipe
18 Advanced Pipe
8 Uncommon Burner
8 Advanced Burner
10 Rare Burner
49L Maraging Steel
Combustion Chambers L 125 Pipe
343L Steel
33 Basic Pipe
88 Uncommon Pipe
33 Basic Burner
88 Uncommon Burner
343L Stainless Steel
38 Basic Pipe
38 Uncommon Pipe
50 Advanced Pipe
38 Basic Burner
38 Uncommon Burner
50 Advanced Burner
343L Inconel
38 Uncommon Pipe
88 Advanced Pipe
38 Uncommon Burner
38 Advanced Burner
50 Rare Burner
343L Maraging Steel
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Control-unit Control Systems XS 1L Polycarbonate Plastic
1 Basic Component
X X X X Electronics Industry
Control Systems S 7L Polycarbonate Plastic
5 Basic Component
X 2 Basic Component
2 Uncommon Component
2 Advanced Component
2 Basic Processor
2 Uncommon Processor
2 Advanced Processor
7L Polysulfide Plastic
Control Systems M 49L Polycarbonate Plastic
25 Basic Component
X 8 Basic Component
8 Uncommon Component
10 Advanced Component
8 Basic Processor
8 Uncommon Processor
10 Advanced Processor
49L Polysulfide Plastic
Control Systems L X X 38 Basic Component
38 Uncommon Component
50 Advanced Component
38 Basic Processor
38 Uncommon Processor
50 Advanced Processor
343L Polysulfide Plastic
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Core-system Core Systems XS 1 Basic Component
1L Polycarbonate Plastic
X X X X Electronics Industry
Core Systems S 5 Basic Component
7L Polycarbonate Plastic
2 Basic Component
4 Uncommon Component
2 Basic Electronics
4 Uncommon Electronics
7 Polycalcite Plastic
X X 5 Advanced Component
2 Advanced Electronics
2 Rare Electronics
2 Exotic Electronics
7L Vanamer
Core Systems M X 8 Basic Component
18 Uncommon Component
8 Basic Electronics
18 Uncommon Electronics
49 Polycalcite Plastic
8 Basic Components
8 Uncommon Components
10 Advanced Components
8 Basic Electronics
8 Uncommon Electronics
10 Advanced Electronics
49L Polysulfide Plastic
Core Systems L X 38 Basic Component
88 Uncommon Component
38 Basic Electronics
88 Uncommon Electronics
343 Polycalcite Plastic
X 38 Uncommon Component
88 Advanced Component
38 Uncommon Electronics
38 Advanced Electronics
50 Rare Electronics
343L Fluoropolymer
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Electric-engine Electric Engines S 5 Basic Screw
7L Silumin
X X X X Metalwork Industry
Electric Engines M 25 Basic Screw
49L Silumin
Electric Engines XL X 188 Basic Screw
438 Uncommon Screw
188 Basic Magnet
438 Uncommon Magnet
2401L Duralumin
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Firing-system Firing Systems XS 1 Basic Pipe
1L Steel
X 1 Basic Pipe
1 Uncommon Pipe
1 Advanced Pipe
1 Basic Burner
1 Uncommon Burner
1 Advanced Burner
1L Inconel
1 Uncommon Pipe
1 Advanced Pipe
1 Uncommon Burner
1 Advanced Burner
1 Rare Burner
1L Maraging Steel
1 Advanced Pipe
1 Advanced Burner
1 Rare Burner
1 Exotic Burner
1L Mangalloy
Metalwork Industry
Firing Systems S X X 2 Basic Pipe
2 Uncommon Pipe
2 Advanced Pipe
2 Basic Burner
2 Uncommon Burner
2 Advanced Burner
7L Inconel
2 Uncommon Pipe
4 Advanced Pipe
2 Uncommon Burner
2 Advanced Burner
2 Rare Burner
7L Maraging Steel
2 Advanced Pipe
5 Advanced Burner
2 Rare Burner
2 Exotic Burner
7L Mangalloy
Firing Systems M X X 8 Basic Pipe
8 Uncommon Pipe
10 Advanced Pipe
8 Basic Burner
8 Uncommon Burner
10 Advanced Burner
49L Inconel
8 Uncommon Pipe
18 Advanced Pipe
8 Uncommon Burner
18 Advanced Burner
10 Rare Burner
49L Maraging Steel
25 Advanced Pipe
8 Advanced Burner
10 Rare Burner
8 Exotic Burner
49L Mangalloy
Firing Systems L X X 38 Basic Pipe
38 Uncommon Pipe
50 Advanced Pipe
38 Basic Burner
38 Uncommon Burner
50 Advanced Burner
343L Inconel
38 Uncommon Pipe
88 Advanced Pipe
38 Uncommon Burner
88 Advanced Burner
50 Rare Burner
343L Maraging Steel
125 Advanced Pipe
38 Advanced Burner
38 Rare Burner
50 Exotic Burner
343L Mangalloy
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Gas-cylinder Gas Cylinders XS 1 Basic Screw
1L Silumin
X X X X Metalwork Industry
Gas Cylinders S 5 Basic Screw
7L Silumin
Gas Cylinders M 25 Basic Screw
49L Silumin
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Inoic-chamber Ionic Chambers XS 1 Basic Connector
1L Steel
1 Basic Connector
1 Uncommon Connector
1 Basic Magnet
1 Uncommon Magnet
1L Stainless Steel
1 Basic Connector
1 Uncommon Connector
1 Advanced Connector
1 Basic Magnet
1 Uncommon Magnet
1 Advanced Magnet
1L Inconel
1 Uncommon Connector
1 Advanced Connector
1 Basic Magnet
1 Uncommon Magnet
1 Advanced Magnet
1 Rare Magnet
1L Maraging Steel
X Metalwork Industry
Ionic Chambers S 5 Basic Connector
7L Steel
2 Basic Connector
4 Uncommon Connector
2 Basic Magnet
4 Uncommon Magnet
7L Stainless Steel
2 Basic Connector
2 Uncommon Connector
2 Advanced Connector
2 Basic Magnet
2 Uncommon Magnet
2 Advanced Magnet
7L Inconel
2 Uncommon Connector
4 Advanced Connector
2 Uncommon Magnet
2 Advanced Magnet
2 Rare Magnet
7L Maraging Steel
Ionic Chambers M 25 Basic Connector
49L Steel
8 Basic Connector
18 Uncommon Connector
8 Basic Magnet
18 Uncommon Magnet
49L Stainless Steel
8 Basic Connector
8 Uncommon Connector
10 Advanced Connector
8 Basic Magnet
8 Uncommon Magnet
10 Advanced Magnet
49L Stainless Steel
8 Uncommon Connector
18 Advanced Connector
8 Uncommon Magnet
8 Advanced Magnet
10 Rare Magnet
49L Maraging Steel
Ionic Chambers L 125 Basic Connector
343L Steel
38 Basic Connector
88 Uncommon Connector
38 Basic Magnet
88 Uncommon Magnet
343L Stainless Steel
38 Basic Connector
38 Uncommon Connector
50 Advanced Connector
38 Basic Magnet
38 Uncommon Magnet
50 Advanced Magnet
343L Inconel
38 Uncommon Connector
88 Advanced Connector
38 Uncommon Magnet
38 Advanced Magnet
50 Rare Magnet
343L Maraging Steel
Ionic Chambers XL 625 Basic Connector
2401L Steel
188 Basic Connector
438 Uncommon Connector
188 Basic Magnet
438 Uncommon Magnet
2401L Stainless Steel
188 Basic Connector
188 Uncommon Connector
250 Advanced Connector
188 Basic Magnet
188 Uncommon Magnet
250 Advanced Magnet
2401L Inconel
188 Uncommon Connector
438 Advanced Connector
188 Uncommon Magnet
188 Advanced Magnet
250 Rare Magnet
2401L Maraging Steel
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Laser-chamber Laser Chambers XS X 1 Basic LED
1 Uncommon LED
1 Basic Optics
1 Uncommon Optics
1L Advanced Glass
1 Basic LED
1 Uncommon LED
1 Advanced Optics
1 Basic Optics
1 Uncommon Optics
1 Advanced Optics
1L Ag-Li Reinforced Glass
1 Uncommon LED

1 Advanced LED
1 Uncommon Optics
1 Advanced Optics
1 Rare Optics
1L Gold-Coated Glass
1 Advanced LED
1 Advanced Optics
1 Rare Optics
1 Exotic Optics
1L Manganese Reinforced Glass
Glass Furnace
Laser Chambers S 5 Basic LED

7L Glass

X 2 Basic LED
2 Uncommon LED
2 Advanced Optics
2 Basic Optics
2 Uncommon Optics
2 Advanced Optics
7L Ag-Li Reinforced Glass
2 Uncommon LED
4 Advanced LED
2 Uncommon Optics
2 Advanced Optics
2 Rare Optics
7L Gold-Coated Glass
2 Advanced LED
5 Advanced Optics
2 Rare Optics
2 Exotic Optics
7L Manganese Reinforced Glass
Laser Chambers M X X 8 Basic LED
8 Uncommon LED
10 Advanced Optics
8 Basic Optics
8 Uncommon Optics
10 Advanced Optics
49 L Ag-Li Reinforced Glass
8 Uncommon LED
18 Advanced LED
8 Uncommon Optics
8 Advanced Optics
10 Rare Optics
49L Gold-Coated Glass
8 Advanced LED
25 Advanced Optics
8 Rare Optics10 Exotic Optics
49L Manganese Reinforced Glass
Laser Chambers L X X 38 Basic LED
38 Uncommon LED
50 Advanced Optics
38 Basic Optics
38 Uncommon Optics
50 Advanced Optics
343L Ag-Li Reinforced Glass
38 Uncommon LED
88 Advanced LED
38 Uncommon Optics
38 Advanced Optics
50 Rare Optics
343L Gold-Coated Glass
38 Advanced LED
125 Advanced Optics
38 Rare Optics
50 Exotic Optics
343L Manganese Reinforced Glass
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Light Lights XS X 1 Basic LED
1 Uncommon LED
1 Basic Electronics
1 Uncommon Electronics
1L Advanced Glass
X X X Electronics Industry
Lights S X 2 Basic LED
4 Uncommon LED
2 Basic Electronics
4 Uncommon Electronics
7L Advanced Glass
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Magnetic-rail Magnetic Rails XS X X 1 Basic Pipe
1 Uncommon Pipe
1 Advanced Pipe
1 Basic Magnet
1 Uncommon Magnet
1 Advanced Magnet
1L Inconel
1 Uncommon Pipe
1 Advanced Pipe
1 Uncommon Magnet
1 Advanced Magnet
1 Rare Magnet
1L Maraging Steel
1 Advanced Pipe
1 Advanced Magnet
1 Rare Magnet
1 Exotic Magnet
1L Mangalloy
Electronics Industry
Magnetic Rails S X X 2 Basic Pipe
2 Uncommon Pipe
2 Advanced Pipe
2 Basic Magnet
2 Uncommon Magnet
2 Advanced Magnet
7L Inconel
2 Uncommon Pipe
4 Advanced Pipe
2 Uncommon Magnet
2 Advanced Magnet
2 Rare Magnet
7L Maraging Steel
5 Advanced Pipe
2 Advanced Magnet
2 Rare Magnet
2 Exotic Magnet
7L Mangalloy
Magnetic Rails M X X 8 Basic Pipe
8 Uncommon Pipe
10 Advanced Pipe
8 Basic Magnet
8 Uncommon Magnet
10 Advanced Magnet
49L Inconel
8 Uncommon Pipe
18 Advanced Pipe
8 Uncommon Magnet
8 Advanced Magnet
10 Rare Magnet
49L Maraging Steel
25 Advanced Pipe
8 Advanced Magnet

8 Rare Magnet
10 Exotic Magnet
49L Mangalloy
Magnetic Rails L X X 38 Basic Pipe
38 Uncommon Pipe
50 Advanced Pipe
38 Basic Magnet
38 Uncommon Magnet
50 Advanced Magnet343L Inconel
38 Uncommon Pipe
88 Advanced Pipe
38 Uncommon Magnet
38 Advanced Magnet
50 Rare Magnet
343L Maraging Steel
125 Advanced Pipe
38 Advanced Magnet
38 Rare Magnet
50 Exotic Magnet
343L Mangalloy
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Mechanical-sensor Mechanical Sensors 1 Basic Fixation
1L Al-Fe Alloy
X 1 Basic Fixation
1 Uncommon Fixation
1 Advanced Fixation
1 Basic Magnet
1 Uncommon Magnet
1 Advanced Magnet
1L Cu-Ag Alloy
X 1 Advanced Fixation
1 Advanced Magnet
1 Rare Magnet
1 Exotic Magnet
Electronics Industry
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Missile-silo Missile Silos XS X X 1 Basic Pipe
1 Uncommon Pipe
1 Advanced Pipe
1 Basic Burner
1 Uncommon Burner
1 Advanced Burner
1L Al-Li Alloy
1 Uncommon Pipe
1 Advanced Pipe
1 Uncommon Burner
1 Advanced Burner
1 Rare Burner
1L Sc-Al Alloy
1 Advanced Pipe
1 Advanced Burner
1 Rare Burner
1 Exotic Burner
1L Grade 5 Titanium Alloy
Metalwork Industry
Missile Silos S X X 2 Basic Pipe
2 Uncommon Pipe
2 Advanced Pipe
2 Basic Burner
2 Uncommon Burner
2 Advanced Burner
7L Al-Li Alloy
2 Uncommon Pipe
4 Advanced Pipe
2 Uncommon Burner
2 Advanced Burner
2 Rare Burner
7L Sc-Al Alloy
5 Advanced Pipe
2 Advanced Burner
2 Rare Burner
2 Exotic Burner
7L Grade 5 Titanium Alloy
Missile Silos M X X 8 Basic Pipe
8 Uncommon Pipe
10 Advanced Pipe
8 Basic Burner
8 Uncommon Burner
10 Advanced Burner
49L Al-Li Alloy
8 Uncommon Pipe
18 Advanced Pipe
8 Uncommon Burner
8 Advanced Burner
10 Rare Burner
49L Sc-Al Alloy
25 Advanced Pipe
8 Advanced Burner
8 Rare Burner
10 Exotic Burner
49L Grade 5 Titanium Alloy
Missile Silos L X X 38 Basic Pipe
38 Uncommon Pipe
50 Advanced Pipe
38 Basic Burner
38 Uncommon Burner
50 Advanced Burner
343L Al-Li Alloy
38 Uncommon Pipe
88 Advanced Pipe
38 Uncommon Burner
38 Advanced Burner
50 Rare Burner
343L Sc-Al Alloy
125 Advanced Pipe
38 Advanced Burner
38 Rare Burner
50 Exotic Burner
343L Grade 5 Titanium Alloy
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Mobile-panel Mobile Panels XS 1 Basic Screw
1L Silumin
1 Basic Screw
1 Uncommon Screw
1L Duralumin
1 Basic Hydraulics
1 Uncommon Hydraulics
2 Basic Screw
2 Uncommon Screw
2 Advanced Screw
7L Al-Li Alloy
2 Basic Hydraulics
2 Uncommon Hydraulics
2 Advanced Hydraulics
2 Uncommon Screw
4 Advanced Screw
7L Sc-Al Alloy
2 Uncommon Hydraulics
2 Advanced Hydraulics
2 Rare Hydraulics
X Metalwork Industry
Mobile Panels S 5 Basic Screw
7L Silumin
2 Basic Screw
4 Uncommon Screw
7L Duralumin
2 Basic Hydraulics
4 Uncommon Hydraulics
2 Basic Screw
2 Uncommon Screw
2 Advanced Screw
7L Al-Li Alloy
2 Basic Hydraulics
2 Uncommon Hydraulics
2 Advanced Hydraulics
2 Uncommon Screw
4 Advanced Screw
7L Sc-Al Alloy
2 Uncommon Hydraulics
2 Advanced Hydraulics
2 Rare Hydraulics
Mobile Panels M 5 Basic Screw
7L Silumin
8 Basic Screw
18 Uncommon Screw
49L Duralumin
8 Basic Hydraulics
18 Uncommon Hydraulics
8 Basic Screw
8 Uncommon Screw
10 Advanced Screw
49L Al-Li Alloy
8 Basic Hydraulics
8 Uncommon Hydraulics
10 Advanced Hydraulics
8 Uncommon Screw
18 Advanced Screw
49L Sc-Al Alloy
8 Uncommon Hydraulics
8 Advanced Hydraulics
10 Rare Hydraulics
Mobile Panels L 5 Basic Screw
7L Al-Fe Alloy
38 Basic Screw
88 Uncommon Screw
343L Duralumin
38 Basic Hydraulics
88 Uncommon Hydraulics
38 Basic Screw
38 Uncommon Screw
50 Advanced Screw
343L Al-Li Alloy
38 Basic Hydraulics
38 Uncommon Hydraulics
50 Advanced Hydraulics
38 Uncommon Screw
18 Advanced Screw
343L Sc-Al Alloy
38 Uncommon Hydraulics
38 Advanced Hydraulics
50 Rare Hydraulics
Mobile Panels XL 5 Basic Screw
7L Silumin
38 Basic Screw
88 Uncommon Screw
343L Duralumin
38 Basic Hydraulics
88 Uncommon Hydraulics
38 Basic Screw
38 Uncommon Screw
50 Advanced Screw
343L Al-Li Alloy
38 Basic Hydraulics
38 Uncommon Hydraulics
50 Advanced Hydraulics
38 Uncommon Screw
18 Advanced Screw
343L Sc-Al Alloy
38 Uncommon Hydraulics
38 Advanced Hydraulics
50 Rare Hydraulics
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Ore-scanner Ore Scanners XL X 188 Basic Connector
438 Uncommon Connector
188 Basic Electronics
435 Uncommon Electronics
2401L Polycalcite Plastic
X X X Electronics Industry
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Motherboard Motherboards M X X 8 Basic Component
8 Uncommon Component
10 Advanced Component
8 Basic Processor
8 Uncommon Processor
10 Advanced Processor
49 Polysulfide Plastic
X X Electronics Industry
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Power-transformer Power Transformer S X 2 Basic Component
4 Uncommon Component
2 Basic Magnet
4 Uncommon Magnet
7L Stainless Steel
X X X Electronics Industry
Power Transformer M 25 Basic Component
49L Steel
8 Basic Component
18 Uncommon Component
8 Basic Magnet
18 Uncommon Magnet
49L Stainless Steel
8 Basic Component
8 Uncommon Component
10 Advanced Component
8 Basic Magnet
8 Uncommon Magnet
10 Advanced Magnet
49L Inconel
8 Uncommon Component
18 Advanced Component
8 Uncommon Magnet
8 Advanced Magnet
10 Rare Magnet
49L Maraging Steel
Power Transformer L X X X 38 Uncommon Component
88 Advanced Component
38 Uncommon Magnet
38 Advanced Magnet
50 Rare Magnet
343L Maraging Steel
Power Transformer XL X X X 188 Uncommon Component
438 Advanced Component
188 Uncommon Magnet
188 Advanced Magnet
250 Rare Magnet
2401L Maraging Steel
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Robotic-arm Robotic Arms M 25 Basic Component
49L Silumin
X X X X Metalwork Industry
Robotic Arms L 125 Basic Component
343L Silumin
8 Basic Component
18 Uncommon Component
8 Basic Hydraulics
18 Uncommon Hydraulics
49L Duralumin
8 Basic Component
8 Uncommon Component
10 Advanced Component
8 Basic Hydraulics
8 Uncommon Hydraulics
10 Advanced Hydraulics
49L Al-Li Alloy
8 Uncommon Component
18 Advanced Component
8 Uncommon Hydraulics
8 Advanced Hydraulics
10 Rare Hydraulics
49L Sc-Al Alloy
Robotic Arms XL 625 Basic Component
2401L Silumin
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Screens Screens XS X 1 Basic LED
1 Uncommon LED
1 Basic Electronics
1 Uncommon Electronics
1L Polycalcite Plastics
1 Basic LED
1 Uncommon LED
1 Advanced LED
1 Basic Electronics
1 Uncommon Electronics
1 Advanced Electronics
1L Polysulfide Plastics
X X 3D Printer
Screens S 5 Basic LED
7L Polycarbonate Plastic
Screens M 25 Basic LED
49L Polycarbonate Plastic
Screens L X 38 Basic LED
88 Uncommon LED

38 Basic Electronics
88 Uncommon Electronics
343L Polycalcite Plastics
Screens XL X 188 Basic LED
438 Uncommon LED
188 Basic Electronics
438 Uncommon Electronics
2401L Polycalcite Plastics
188 Basic LED
188 Uncommon LED
250 Advanced LED
188 Basic Electronics
188 Uncommon Electronics
250 Advanced Electronics
2401L Polysulfide Plastics

Complex Parts List[]

Complex Parts
Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Antimatter-capsule Antimatter Capsules 4 Basic Connectors
6L Glass
4 Basic Connectors
2L Glass
4L Advanced Glass
2 Basic Connectors
2 Uncommon Connectors
2L Glass
2L Advanced Glass
2L Ag-Li Reinforced Glass
X X Glass Furnace
Burner Burners 4 Basic Screws
6L Silumin
4 Basic Screws
2L Silumin
4L Duralumin
2 Basic Screws
2 Uncommon Screws
2L Silumin
2L Duralumin
2L Ag-Li Alloy
1 Basic Screws
3 Uncommon Screws
2L Duralumin
2L Ag-Li Alloy
2L Sc-Al Alloy
2 Basic Screws
2 Uncommon Screws
2 Advanced Screws
2L Ag-Li Alloy
2L Sc-Li Alloy
2L Grade 5 Titanium Alloy
Metalwork Industry
Electronic-part Electronics 4 Basic Component
6L Polycarbonate Plastics
4 Basic Component
2L Polycarbonate Plastics
4L Polycalcite Plastics
2 Basic Component
2 Uncommon Component
2L Polycarbonate Plastics
2L Polycalcite Plastics
2L Polysulfide Plastics
1 Basic Component
3 Uncommon Component
2L Polycalcite Plastics
2L Polysulfide Plastics
2L Fluoropolymer
1 Basic Component
1 Uncommon Component
2 Advanced Component
2L Polysulfide Plastics
2L Fluoropolymer
2L Vanamer
Electronics Industry
Explosive-module Explosive Modules 4 Basic Connector
6L Polycarbonate Plastics
4 Basic Connector
2L Polycarbonate Plastics
4L Polycalcite Plastics
2 Basic Connector
2 Uncommon Connector
2L Polycarbonate Plastics
2L Polycalcite Plastics
2L Polysulfide Plastics
X X Chemical Industry
Hydraulics Hydraulics 4 Basic Pipe
6L Steel Product
4 Basic Pipe
2L Steel
4L Stainless Steel
2 Basic Pipe
2 Uncommon Pipe
2L Steel
2L Stainless Steel
2L Inconel
1 Basic Pipe
3 Uncommon Pipe
2L Stainless Steel
2L Iconel
2L Maraging Steel
1 Basic Pipe
1 Uncommon Pipe
2 Advanced Pipe
2L Inconel
2L Maraging Steel
2L Mangalloy
Metalwork Industry
Injectors Injectors 4 Basic Screw
6L Polycarbonate Plastics
4 Basic Screw
2L Polycarbonate Plastics
4L Polycalcite Plastics
2 Basic Screw
2 Uncommon Screw
2L Polycarbonate Plastic
2L Polycalcite Plastic
2L Polysulfide Plastic
1 Basic Screw
3 Uncommon Screw
2L Polycalcite Plastic
2L Polysulfide Plastic
2L Fluoropolymer
X 3D Printer
Magnet Magnets 4 Basic Connector
6L Steel
4 Basic Connector
2L Steel
4L Stainless Steel
2 Basic Connector
2 Uncommon Connector
2L Steel
2L Stainless Steel
2L Inconel
1 Basic Connector
3 Uncommon Connector
2L Stainless Steel
2L Inconel
2L Maraging Steel
1 Basic Connector
1 Uncommon Connector
2 Advanced Connector
2L Inconel
2L Maraging Steel
2L Mangalloy
Metalwork Industry
Optics Optics 4 Basic Fixation
6L Glass
4 Basic Fixation
2L Glass
2L Advanced Glass
2 Basic Fixation
2 Uncommon Fixation
2L Glass
2L Advanced Glass
2L Ag-Li Reinforced Glass
1 Basic Fixation
3 Uncommon Fixation
2L Advanced Glass
2L Ag-Li Reinforced Glass
2L Gold-Coated Glass
1 Basic Fixation
1 Uncommon Fixation
2 Advanced Fixation
2L Ag-Li Reinforced Glass
2L Gold-Coated Glass
2L Manganese Reinforced Glass
Glass Furnace
Power-system Power Systems 4 Basic Connector
6L Al-Fe Alloy
4 Basic Connector
2L Al-Fe Alloy
2L Calcium Reinforced Copper
2 Basic Connector
2 Uncommon Connector
2L Al-Fe Alloy
2L Calcium Reinforced Copper
2L Cu-Ag Alloy
1 Basic Connector
3 Uncommon Connector
2L Calcium Reinforced Copper
2L Cu-Ag Alloy
2L Red Gold
1 Basic Connector
1 Uncommon Connector
2 Advanced Connector
2L Cu-Ag Alloy
2L Red Gold
2L Ti-Nb Supraconductor
Electronics Industry
Processor Processors 4 Basic Fixation
6L Al-Fe Alloy
4 Basic Fixation
2L Al-Fe Alloy
2L Calcium Reinforced Copper
2 Basic Fixation
2 Uncommon Fixation
2L Al-Fe Alloy
2L Calcium Reinforced Copper
2L Cu-Ag Alloy
X X Electronics Industry
Quantum-core Quantum Cores 4 Basic LED
6L Polycarbonate Plastics
4 Basic LED
2L Polycarbonate Plastics
4L Polycalcite Plastic
2 Basic LED
2 Uncommon LED
2L Polycarbonate Plastic
2L Polycalcite Plastic
2L Polysulfide Plastic
1 Basic LED
3 Uncommon LED
2L Polycalcite Plastic
2L Polysulfide Plastic
2L Fluoropolymer
1 Basic LED
1 Uncommon LED
2 Advanced LED
2L Polysulfide Plastic
2L Fluoropolymer
2L Vanamer
3D Printer
Singularity-container Singularity Containers 4 Basic Component
6L Steel
4 Basic Component
2L Steel
4L Stainless Steel
2 Basic Component
2 Uncommon Component
2L Steel
2L Stainless Steel
2L Inconel
1 Basic Component
3 Uncommon Component
2L Stainless Steel
2L Inconel
2L Maraging Steel
1 Basic Component
1 Uncommon Component
2 Advanced Component
2L Inconel
2L Maraging Steel
2L Mangalloy
Metalwork Industry
Solid-warhead Solid Warheads X 4 Basic Pipe
2L Steel
2L Stainless Steel
2 Basic Pipe
2 Uncommon Pipe
2L Steel
2L Stainless Steel
2L Inconel
X X Metalwork Industry

Exceptional Parts[]

Icon Type Basic Uncommon Advanced Rare Exotic Industry Unit
Antigravity-core Anti-gravity Cores X X 10 Basic Component
3 Basic Singularity Container
1 Uncommon Singularity Container
1 Advanced Singularity Container
5L Silumin
5L Duralumin
5L Al-Li Alloy
5 Basic Component
5 Uncommon Component
2 Basic Singularity Container
1 Uncommon Singularity Container
1 Advanced Singularity Container
1 Rare Singularity Container
5L Silumin
5L Duralumin
5L Al-Li Alloy
5L Sc-Al Alloy
5 Basic Component
5 Uncommon Component
5 Advanced Component
1 Basic Singularity Container
1 Uncommon Singularity Container
1 Advanced Singularity Container
1 Rare Singularity Container
1 Exotic Singularity Container
5L Silumin
5L Duralumin
5L Al-Li Alloy
5L Sc-Al Alloy
Electronics Industry M
Anti-matter-core Antimatter Core 4 Basic Connector
6L Glass
4 Basic Connector
2L Glass
2L Advanced Glass
2 Basic Connector
2 Uncommon Connector
2L Glass
2L Advanced Glass
2L Ag-Li Glass
X X Electronics Industry M
Quantum-alignment-unit Quantum Alignment Unit X X 10 Basic LED
3 Basic Quantum Core
1 Uncommon Quantum Core
1 Advanced Quantum Core
5L Polycarbonate Plastic
5L Polycalcite Plastic
5L Polysulfide Plastic
X 5 Basic LED
5 Advanced LED
1 Basic Quantum Core
1 Uncommon Quantum Core
1 Advanced Quantum Core
1 Rare Quantum Core
1 Exotic Quantum Core
5L Polycarbonate Plastic
5L Polycalcite Plastic
5L Polysulfide Plastic
5L Fluoropolymer
5L Vanamer
Electronics Industry M
Quantum-barrier Quantum Barrier X X 10 Basic LED
3 Basic Quantum Core
1 Uncommon Quantum Core
1 Advanced Quantum Core
5L Silumin
5L Duralumin
5L Al-Li Alloy
X X Electronics Industry M