Dual Universe Wiki

The universe contains many planets that players can visit, explore, mine resources from, and build constructs on. All planets are procedurally generated by the server[1], and as such their surfaces are generated randomly within predefined conditions. These guidelines often include a theme determined by various biomes (Icy, Desert, Forest, Meadow etc).[2]


Each planet is dominated by a single environment, or biome, and may have one or more moons. All planets contain different resources, forcing players to explore multiple planets and moons to gather all of the materials that are required to build various types of constructs. These resources may be found on or below the surface. Each planet and moon contains all t1 ores.

All planets are made out of voxels, down to a depth of five kilometers.[3] These voxels are completely editable. They can be collected and deployed using a nanoformer, or they can be built on with other voxels from an external source.

Planets and moons are fixed in their position and do not rotate in any way. The light source travels around the Helios system. Locations are governed by a position system that identifies exact locations on planets and within space. The in-game Map System allows the player to view all planets, set locations and keep bookmarks of places of interest.


A moon is a natural satellite of a planet. Moons tend to be smaller than planets, and are relatively close to them. While planets can be spread out and relatively far apart, a moon always sits close to its parent planet.

The environment and resources of a moon can differ greatly from those of their parent planet, they are usually barren, lack atmosphere (hover and atmospheric engines will not work) and have very low gravity.


In Dual Universe there are two possible types of asteroid you can encounter. The first type of asteroid is a naturally occurring volume of voxels, connected to a planet or moon, such as the "asteroid belt" surrounding the planet Thades. Unlike planets and moons however, they are usually relatively small, non-spherical, and have no atmosphere. It is possible to fly to and build on these "asteroids", as they are made of voxels and completely editable. Some asteroids are large enough to have their own gravity.

The second type of asteroid you may encounter are individual constructs. This type of asteroid is actually a minor astronomical or celestial body which are neither part of either a planet or moon. These can be mined for resources of different Tiers dependent upon location. The asteroids have one of the 5 tiers (basic, uncommon, advanced, rare, exotic) and contain mostly one ore of the equivalent tier, but also a low amount of higher tier ore. In the safe zone one there can only be basic and uncommon asteroids.

A "DSAT Unit" or "Deep Space Asteroid Tracker" is required to "track" asteroids.

When the "DSAT Unit" active, the detected Asteroids will have 3 "Phases of Discovery"

Players will be led through a series of 5 waypoints that they must travel to within 10 km to activate the next waypoint, this process eventually leads to the Asteroid location at the fifth and final Waypoint. See page on Asteroid Detection and Mining for an in-depth study on the topic.

Known Planetary Systems[]

Helios Atmospheric Planets[]

Note that Planets: Sicari, Sinnen, Feli, Lacobus, Symeon, Ion and their respective moons will be redesigned and brought into the game progressively.

Name Biosphere Dist to Alioth Grav Ave Surf Height Max Surf Height Atmo Height Atmo Eng Cutoff Space Eng Cutoff
Alioth3 Alioth Temperate 0 SU 1.01 200 1100 6272 5580 3410
Sanctuary2 Sanctuary Temperate 7.61SU 1 80 500 7800 6935 4230
Sanctuary2 Haven 15.03 SU 1.0 80 500 7800 6935 4230
Planet Madis Madis Barren ~143 SU 0.36 750 850 8050 7165 4480
Planet Thades Thades Desert ~155 SU 0.5 13640 13690 32800 32180 21400
Talemai Talemai Barren ~286 SU 0.46 580 1300 17700 10480 6410
Planet Sicari Feli Barren ~346 SU 0.48 18300 18500 78500 66725 42800
Sicari4 Sicari Desert ~394 SU 0.41 130 220 8770 7725 4480
Planet Symeon Symeon Ice & Desert ~434 SU 0.39 39 450 7800 6920 4230
Sinnen3 Sinnen Desert ~438 SU 0.44 317 360 11620 10335 6170
Jago2 Jago Water ~475 SU 0.5 0 1200 10900 9695 5900
Teoma2 Teoma Forest ~487 SU 0.49 700 1100 6280 5580 3420
Ion4 Ion Ice ~495 SU 0.36 500 1300 17700 10480 6410
Planet Lacobus Lacobus Ice ~498 SU 0.46 800 1660 12510 11120 6790


Helios is this systems sun and although the majority of physics within Dual Universe are based on Newtonian Mechanics there are some objects that do not obey these laws. Helios is not a physical body or object in space that you can locate or visit. It does not have a position in the Atlas, bodies do not orbit around it and it has no gravitational influence on the player or other bodies. It is better to be viewed as a light source, while on a planet Helios ( the light source) will rotate around it, much to the horror of Nicolas Copernicus, giving the stationary player on a planet 5 hours of daylight and 5 hours night. At one point the movement of Helios was governed by the players computer clock, since Demeter update this is no longer the case. Helios takes 10 hours to circumnavigate the system. The skybox (stars) are fixed but the nebular and gas clouds are not stationary and rotate with Helios and at the same rate.


This does mean that there are solar, lunar and planetary eclipses, depending on your location.



Each planet or moon will now have an impenetrable core at the centre that forms about 80% of the planet's radius with a minimum diggable depth of 5 km below its “sea” level.

New dig depth

See Also[]


  1. NQ-Nyzaltar, Dual Universe Forums, ""Ask Us Anything" Event", Q&A #1, https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/841-ask-us-anything-event/. 06/29/2016.
  2. Dual Universe YouTube Channel, "Dual Universe DevDiary Updates - January 2017 | Pre-Alpha Video", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUTyiMjjf7w. 01/27/2017
  3. NQ-Nyzaltar, Dual Universe Forums, ""Ask Us Anything" Event", Q&A #2, https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/841-ask-us-anything-event/. 06/30/2016.