Dual Universe Wiki

Pure Niobium is the refined version of the raw ore Columbite. Pure Niobium is used to create parts for other Elements and to make Honeycomb. Pure Niobium cannot be made via the Nanocrafter only in the Refiner M industry unit.

Crafting via Ingredients Processing Time Batch Size, Product Byproducts
Refiner M 65L Columbite 4 hr 20 min 25 sec 45L Pure Niobium 5L Pure Iron
5L Pure Oxygen
5L Pure Manganese
Used in
Icon Product Batch Size Crafted via Ingredients Processing time Byproducts
Heavy-metals Mangalloy 75L Smelter M 50L Pure Iron
100L Pure Manganese
50L Pure Niobium
1L Catalyst 5
26 hr 3 min 1L Catalyst 5
Heavy-metals Ti-Nb Supraconductor product 75L Smelter M 50L Pure Titanium
100L Pure Niobium
1L Catalyst 5
26 hr 3 min 1L Catalyst 5
Scrap-t5 Niobium Scrap 50L Recycler M 50L Pure Niobium 12 min 48 sec
Honeycomb 10L Honeycomb Refinery 100L Pure Niobium 30 sec