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Resource Types[]

Resources in Dual Universe are naturally occurring materials obtained from planets, moons, and asteroids. In Dual Universe, the term "resources" generally refers to any voxels that can be extracted from a planetary body. In most cases, resources must be refined into pure materials before they can be used to create elements and honeycomb and then used in construction. Resources that can be refined to pure materials are classified in the UI as Mineable Materials, known as ores these are listed in the table below. Terrain Materials are resources that cannot be refined into pure material. Different mineable materials have varying levels of rarity, which determines how difficult they are to find in the game world. Furthermore, some mineable material can only be found in certain places (such as on asteroids or moons), or only in certain planetary biomes. As a result, players wont be able to find every possible resource on a single planet. The Resource Distribution table below indicates the planet where that resource is found. A Territory Scanner is an element when activated on a tile will analyze the volume of mineable materials beneath the scanner, see Territory Scanning page.

Mineable Materials - Ores[]

All ore and refined materials in Dual Universe are categorized into Tiers, where Tier 1 is the most common to Tier 5 the most rare.

Ore Tier Ore Type Refined Pure Ore Density (kg/L)
T1 Basic Bauxite Pure Aluminum 1.28
Coal Pure Carbon 1.35
Hematite Pure Iron 5.04
Quartz Pure Silicon 2.65
T2 Uncommon Limestone Pure Calcium 2.71
Chromite Pure Chromium 4.54
Malachite Pure Copper 4.00
Natron Pure Sodium 1.55
T3 Advanced Garnierite Pure Nickel 2.6
Petalite Pure Lithium 2.41
Pyrite Pure Sulfur 5.01
Acanthite Pure Silver 7.2
T4 Rare Cryolite Pure Fluorine 2.95
Cobaltite Pure Cobalt 6.33
Gold Nuggets Pure Gold 19.3
Kolbeckite Pure Scandium 2.37
T5 Exotic Columbite Pure Niobium 5.38
Rhodonite Pure Manganese 3.76
Illmenite Pure Titanium 4.55
Vanadinite Pure Vanadium 6.95

Plasma Gas[]

See page on Plasma for use and locations

Plasma Types and T5 Element Uses
Plasma Type Element
Decem Radars
Duo Atmospheric Engines
Novem Shield Generators
Octo Containers
Quottuor Cannon
Quinque Laser
Septem Railguns
Sex Missiles
Tres Vertical Boosters / Hover Engines
Unus Space Engines

Terrain Materials[]

Terrain materials are naturally occurring materials such as soil, rock, sand, snow etc. and are obtained from planets, moons and asteroids. They can be gathered by players using and of the Dig Mode capable tools such as the Mining Tool or Terraforming Tool, and once collected, placed again with the Alt Mode Mining Tool. These materials make up the vast amount of natural voxels found in the game world.

List of Terrain Materials[]

Icon Name
Forest Soil Icon Forest Soil
Moon Soil Icon Moon Soil
Rock Icon Rock
Sand Icon Sand
Snow Icon Snow
Soil Icon Soil

Resource Distribution[]

The table below describes the available ore on planetary bodies below the surface, extracted using a Mining Unit. Ore that is found above the surface and extracted using your Harvesting Tool generally follows the same distribution. Haven tiles have approximately 1000 L each of Malachite and Limestone per tile, even though it has no T2 ore below ground. Sanctuary has all 4 Tier 2 ores per tile. Players will need to own a Haven or Sanctuary tile, or have permissions to harvest, to gather surface ore.

*Note: These planets will be release post live release, the distribution will change. The distribution stated here is from Beta but left as reference

Bauxite Coal Quartz Hematite Natron Chromite Limestone Malachite Garnierite Acanthite Petalite Pyrite Cryolite Cobaltite Kolbeckite Gold Nuggets Columbite Vanadinite Illmenite Rhodonite
Alioth Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Alioth M1 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Alioth M4 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Feli* Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Feli M1* Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ion* Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ion M1* Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ion M2* Yes Yes Yes
Jago Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Lacobus* Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Lacobus M1* Yes Yes Yes
Lacobus M2* Yes Yes Yes Yes
Lacobus M3* Yes Yes Yes
Madis Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Madis M1 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Madis M2 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Madis M3 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sanctuary Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sicari Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sinnen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sinnen M1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Symeon* Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Talemai Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Talemai M1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Talemai M2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Talemai M3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Teoma Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Thades Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Thades M1 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Thades M2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
